Experienced Bankruptcy Help
Finances already have you worried. You know that your finances and your future are on the line. While bankruptcy is the generally an option of last resort, you did not arrive at our office without giving the matter a great deal of thought. What you may not yet have is guidance.
If you are considering bankruptcy, there is no need to feel isolated and alone. We will be there for you. Our lawyers are prepared to take you through this process and explain every step of the way. We are determined to provide you the best possible representation available. Our bankruptcy attorneys will be there from the moment you enter our office until the court rules upon your matter.
Contact Johnston, Stannard, Klesner, Burbidge & Fitzgerald, P.L.C., at 319-359-6492 or submit the form on this website to schedule an appointment to review your case and to answer any questions you may have.
The Bankruptcy Services We Can Provide
Johnston, Stannard, Klesner, Burbidge & Fitzgerald, P.L.C., is a legal resource Iowa City residents have depended on for 50 years. Our attorneys can help you:
- When you are facing garnishment and foreclosure
- Determine what type of bankruptcy filing works best for you
- Apply for exceptions that may let you keep your home and property
- Combat collection agent harassment
The Differences Between Chapter 7 And Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can provide credit card debt relief and help with overwhelming medical bills and mortgage payments. Knowing what type of bankruptcy to file is the first step in obtaining debt relief. For many people, understanding the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 filings is already nebulous. Below are a few highlights that can help you in this process.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can give you a full discharge of debt with no repayment. You may be able to keep your home and car as long as you are able to make the payments on them. At the moment you file for bankruptcy, an automatic stay goes into effect which prevents creditors from contacting you with collection efforts. Lawsuits and garnishments also stop when the automatic stay goes into effect. This option is best for those with few personal assets or who are in lower income brackets. It is not available to persons above certain income thresholds. Chapter 7 bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for 10 years.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows for a three- to five-year repayment plan that allows you to repay creditors some or all of the debt that you owe. Sometimes called “wage earner bankruptcy,” Chapter 13 requires that you are able to pay all of your current living expenses and have disposable income left over to pay your creditors. You need to have a steady regular source of income to qualify for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for seven years.
Using The Available Resources To Resolve Bankruptcy Issues
Steven Klesner is a lawyer who accepts routine as well as very challenging bankruptcy cases. We are a technologically savvy law firm that serves clients throughout the state via online meetings and other innovative technology. We provide a stand-alone website, http://iowabankruptcylaw.net/, that provides bankruptcy education and informs clients on such matters as to what information they need to gather and credit counseling requirements.
An Important Note Concerning The Bankruptcy Laws
Bankruptcy law changed in 2005 and has become more highly technical and procedural. It is also harder now for higher income persons to qualify for bankruptcy, making it more important to consult a bankruptcy attorney on your options and responsibilities. Therefore, if you are experiencing overwhelming debt or unmanageable financial trouble, it is more important than ever to consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney. We can help answer your questions and explain the process.
Contact Our Firm
If you have questions regarding bankruptcy matters, call us at 319-359-6492 or fill out the online form for an initial case consultation. We will review your case and your options with their respective benefits and drawbacks, and any alternatives to the legal process that you may have.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.