Protecting Your
Rights And Future

Defending Those Facing Theft Charges In Iowa

If you’ve been charged with theft or another property crime, you need skilled, experienced legal representation to shield you from the consequences. That’s where Johnston, Stannard, Klesner, Burbidge & Fitzgerald, P.L.C. comes in. We help people in Iowa defend themselves against criminal charges for property-related offenses.

Criminal Charges Related To Theft We Help With 

Our attorneys represent individuals accused of a range of property crimes, including:

Whether you’re facing penalties for a misdemeanor or felony criminal offense, we are equipped to help you fight them.

The Penalties For Theft In Iowa

In Iowa, there are varying degrees of theft, from first-degree to fifth-degree. 

First-degree theft is when someone steals another person’s property, steals something valued at $10,000 or loots from a building that was left unoccupied or destroyed due to a disaster. First-degree theft is a class C felony, which, upon conviction, could lead to a 10-year prison sentence and fines ranging from $1,370 to $13,660.

Second-degree theft is when the stolen property’s value falls between $1,500 and $10,000. It is a class D felony with a maximum 5-year prison sentence and fines between $1,025 and $10,245.

Third-degree theft is when the value of the stolen property is between $750 and $1,500. This charge is also issued against people the third time they steal property valued below $750. Third-degree theft is an aggravated misdemeanor with a maximum prison sentence of two years and fines ranging from $855 to $8,540.

Fourth-degree theft is when the stolen property’s value is between $300 and $750. It is a serious misdemeanor with fines between $430 and $2,560. The maximum prison sentence is one year.

Finally, fifth-degree theft is when the property’s value is less than $300. It is a simple misdemeanor resulting in up to 30 days in jail and fines between $105 and $855. The jail time may be sentenced instead of a fine or with it.

Speak To A Theft Charges Attorney Today

If you’re facing criminal charges for theft or a similar crime, our attorneys are here to help you fight them. Call 319-359-6492 or complete a contact form to request a free initial consultation.

Notable Cases

Cedar County AGCR024516 — PLEA OFFER ACCEPTED — Attorney Shawn Fitzgerald’s client was accused of the crime of Operating a Motor Vehicle While License is Barred as a Habitual Offender §321.560/ §321.561/ §321.555 /§321.556 (An Aggravated Misdemeanor), as well as Failure to Use Child Restraint Devise §321.446 (A Scheduled Violation). Attorney Shawn Fitzgerald was able to secure a plea offer satisfactory to both client and state.

Notable Cases

Muscatine County AGCR057733 — PLEA ACCEPTED, CHARGE REDUCED — Attorney Shawn Fitzgerald’s client was accused of Domestic Abuse Assault §708.2A(2)(b) (A Serious Misdemeanor). An initial plea offer stated the client would have to plead guilty as charged, attorney Shawn Fitzgerald worked for a better offer for his client. The client was able to plead guilty to an amended lesser charge of Disorderly Conduct §723.4(2) (A Simple Misdemeanor).