Judges generally issue no-contact orders for domestic violence cases. However, they can give these in any criminal case with a victim.
You must know the following things if you violate a no-contact order.
1. Will contacting the person forever be a violation?
Generally, these orders are in place for the duration of the case and after. Your defense representative may help you get visitation privileges afterward. That said, the victim’s opinion weighs heavily in court. Having no criminal background can help you get the order lifted.
2. What counts as a violation?
Electronic communication counts as a violation. Every time you send the victim a text, you are in violation. Additionally, you can violate the order by going within a certain number of feet of the victim. That can be problematic when you live, work or have children together. It can be even worse if the order protects your children too.
3. How do you defend yourself?
Generally, no-contact order violations are your word against the police. The victim does not usually need to testify. Usually, it requires the arresting officer to testify that they believed you were violating the order. The best way to defend yourself is to look for holes in their testimony. Even if you were in violation, you could highlight other circumstances that provoked you to contact the individual.
Defending yourself against violation charges can get your case dismissed or consequences reduced. That can help you keep your criminal record cleaner. If you violate a no-contact order, know what your next steps should be. Otherwise, you could face heavy consequences, including jail time and fines.